Tag Archive | supernatural

Giveaway: Across the East River Bridge by Kate McMurray

We’re joined today by author Kate McMurray, who has a spooky new book out. Take it away, Kate!

AERB coverI’m agnostic about ghosts.

I spent nearly every summer of my childhood at summer camp. The last one I attended had legends about ghosts who lived in the woods, and I remember being nine or ten years old and whispering “Bloody Mary” into the mirror in the girl’s room just to see what would happen. I went through a phase when I was maybe fourteen when my best friend acquired a ouija board and had me convinced that the spirit of a teenager who died in 1963 could tell me whether the boy I had a crush on liked me back. Not long ago, I got sucked into some TV show on haunted hotels that was utterly fascinating, and I found myself wondering if I could stay at one or if the prospect of ghosts would freak me out. And I often think, well, ghosts and hauntings probably aren’t real, but there are just enough weird things reported that maybe…

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